Mayan Breeze. A Caribbean kite trip

Planning a kite trip can become quite a mission. You have to constantly check the wind conditions, contemplate paying for sports luggage if you travel by plane and above all: make peace with the possibility that when you arrive at your destination the wind can change unexpectedly.
Photo by: Santiago Peña
For Einar Saad and Anthony Legare this mission is just more motivation to practice their favorite sport. This is how in the course of a week they planned a Kite trip to the Peninsula of Yucatan.
Photo by: Santiago Peña
The reason of the trip was to make a video that represented Saad and Legare vision of the sport, they´r commitment to one of the most difficult disciplines of kiteboarding: freestyle and the diversity of spots in the country to practice.
Photo by: @le.sainttt
They traveled to San Felipe Yucatán, a lagoon connected to the sea leaving a flat spot with offshore wind. It works with thermal wind, meaning in the morning it is very quiet and it is not until the afternoon is heated that begins to blow.
Freestyle can be a very difficult discipline, you have to commit to the maneuvers to be performed and try to extend your technique in each trick.
Photo by: @le.sainttt
There are many places where you can practice kiteboarding in Mexico and the best thing is that they work in different seasons so you can kite virtually all year, if you are willing to embark on the mission.
To save in luggage giving importance to your kite luggage we recommend 3 products that cannot be missing in your travel backpack:
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